We ♥ Mr Ong, Mdm Tan, Mr Eric, Mrs Cheng, Ms Chang, Ms Robert, Ms Lee, Ms Ng, Mr Paul, Ms Teo and of course, this big ohana! :D
Contacts :
Soon Min @ tan_soonmin@hotmail.com
Yan Ting @ sweetperfection@hotmail.sg
Gwyn @ gwynheartsforguitar@gmail.com
Jia Siang @ jia_siang_emo@hotmail.com
Shermin @ shermintn@hotmail.com
Wan Er @ xanthe-02@hotmail.com
Edna @ edna.chan-@hotmail.com
Joanne @ j0aNe-xp@hotmail.com
Ke Fei @ xiatian-x3@hotmail.com
9:16 AM Monday, August 24, 2009
Hello its me again, Kefei ! :D
There will be a guitar gathering on the 4th of September, Friday.
It is also the day before our school hols. (:
It is compulsory for the Secondary One, Two & Three.
Sec4's and alumnis can come to have fun if you're free ! :D
studies is the priority !
Gather in the canteen at 12noon, right after school dismissal.
Lunch will be provided.
But if you're still not full, then you'll hafta buy food from the canteen.
Meanwhile, we'll be taking attendance while you eat.
Gather in Guitar Room after lunch, 1pm.
Ohya, attire would be your PE tee-shirt.
But if coincidentally, your PE tee-shirt is in the washing machine;
Then its okay, you can bring your class tee or any school-related tee. (:
Btw, for attendance-taking;
Those that cannot attend guitar for reasons like fever, injury & checkup must produce us a parent's letter or a Medical Certificate from the doctor.
While those that cannot attend guitar for reasons like religious and family matters, please inform the person taking attendance.
Tuesday attendance-taker: Lynette
Friday attendance-taker: Emily and me
Dont tell us lame and ridiculous excuses like tired, forgot, dont know.
Also, a message to juniors.
Please be attentive to what Mr Ong is teaching.
Dont be in your own worlds, dont play your own stuffs and dont talk among yourselves especially when Mr Ong is teaching.
And, dont make Emily the President shout at you all.
Try to be more initiative. (:
5:14 AM Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hello guitarists, I have a few announcements to make. (:
Firstly, Guitar Ensemble needs to start collecting Guitar Fund.
I hope $2 per month is not too much ?
Soon Min will be in charge of collecting the $2 for the Sec 2 people.
While Sabrina will be in charge of the Sec 3s.
The reason why we're starting to collect guitar fund, is because we decided to celebrate everyone's birthday.
So of course we need some money to buy the cakes, card and all.
Everyone's cooperation is kindly appreciated. (:
And anyone with trouble forking out the money, seek Emily for help. :D
Im not trying to say that she's rich. Anw, she'll help you with your problem.
Secondly, those that cannot make it for guitar during Tuesday/Friday;
Please make it a habit to inform the person that is marking attendance.
Or maybe tell your friend, so that he/she can tell it to that person on duty.
If not, that poor on-duty person hafta look for your number and call you up, chasing for your reasons.
And, lame excuses are not accepted. (:
Lastly, there will be a 1-day Leadership Course for the Lower Secs.
Which means the Secondary 1s and 2s.
Details are not confirmed yet.
But cost of the course should be around $65 from your Edusave.
If you're interested in the course, contact Emily or me(Kefei) ASAP. (:
And also, check if your Edusave account has sufficient amount for the course before telling us.
Emily : 92327426
Kefei : 90216928
That's all, bye. :D